In Herndon:
1. Neighborhood Resource Center
1086 Elden St. 2. Northern
Virginia Family Service
1043 Sterling Rd. # 201
3. The Closet
845 Station St.
4. Salvation Army Thrift Store
2421 - A6 Centreville Rd.
5. The Bargain Loft
311 Spring St.
In Reston:
1. INOVA Emergency Care Center
11901 Baron Cameron Ave.
2. Fairfax County Health Department
Herndon-Reston District Office
1850 Cameron Glen Drive,
Suite 100
3. Embry Rucker Shelter
11975 Bowman Town Drive
4. North County Health Center
11484 Washington Plaza West, Suite
5. Reston Interfaith
11484 Washington Plaza
West, Suite 400
911--Emergency Only
Police - Fire - Ambulance
INOVA Emergency Care Center
phone 703-471-0175
Call to talk to a nurse about serious illness or injury or go to their
location, which is open 24 hours/day.
Northern Virginia Family Service
phone 703-689-0208 ext. 224,225,226
Call to apply for adult and children’s medical and dental programs.
Fairfax Department of Family Services
phone 703-324-7763
and Espanol: 703-324-7519
Call to apply for free and low-cost health insurance programs
for children.
North County Health Center
phone 703-689-2180
Call for information about the low- cost health care for
uninsured adults and children living in Fairfax County.
Fairfax County Health Department
Herndon-Reston District Office
hours:8:00am- 4:30pm M-F
Services include: WIC, Immunizations, Pregnancy Testing, Prenatal Care,
Children’s Dental Care,Vision Screening, Speech and Hearing Testing, and
phone 703-437-1776
Call and leave a message.A LINK volunteer will call you back and arrange
Reston Interfaith
phone 703-787-3100
hours: 9:00am- 5:00pm M-F
Call and come to their office to receive food
Reston Interfaith Lunch Box Program
phone 703-435-6830 at the Herndon
Neighborhood Resource Center
hours:12:30pm-2:00pm M-F
Free bagged lunches for anyone in the community
WIC :Women, Infant, and Children Program
703-481-4242 [County Health Department]
703-435-6830 [Neighborhood Resource Center]
Supplemental Nutrition for pregnant and breast feeding women, and children
birth to age 5.
CLOTHING and more:
The Closet
phone 703-437-7652
hours : 10:00am-2:00pm Tues., Thurs., and Sat.
A thrift store operated by area churches, offering used clothes,shoes,
household goods, linens,small appliances, dishes, books, etc.
Embry Rucker Shelter
phone 703-437-1975
Emergency housing, clothing, job counseling.
Salvation Army Thrift Store
phone 703-713-6691
hours: 10:00am-7:00pm M-Sat
Offering used clothes ,furniture,
and other household goods.
F.I.S.H. [Friendly Instant Sympathetic Help]
phone 703-391-0105
Call 10:00am- 4:00pm M-F
A nonprofit organization,dedicated to helping meet emergency and short
term needs for rent, transportation, utilities,etc.
The Bargain Loft
phone 703-437-0600
hours: 10:00am- 3:00pm T- F,
Sat 10:00am- 2:00pm.
A thrift store operated by F.I.S.H. offering
used furniture, household linens, dishes,etc.
The Neighborhood Resource Center
phone 703-435-6830
hours: 8:00am- 9:00pm M-F, Sat:9:00am- 1:00pm
A community facility offering over 20 health, human services, and educational
programs, such as: Headstart, WIC, Central School Registration, Housing
Counseling, ESL Classes, Pro Bono Lawyer Services, and Hispanic Committee
of Virginia.
Fairfax County Human Services
Information and Referral Numbers:
703-222-0880 [ English and Multilingual ]
703-631-3366 [Espanol]
A County-wide “Help Line” for residents of Fairfax County. |