The "Earn-A-Bike" program has ended, at
least for now. Thanks to those who provided this service. For
details about the program, see the information below:
What Was the "Earn-a-Bike" Program?
It was a way for Burke Centre
and Burke area youngsters who need
bikes to learn bicycle repair, and to earn bicycles for themselves by repairing
How Did the "Earn-a-Bike" Program Work?
A youngster put in twenty hours at "Earn-a-Bike" sessions,
and at the end of that time, got a bike.
Parents could help their youngsters earn bikes.They could work at "Earn-a-Bike"
sessions with their youngsters. And the time parents put in countedtoward
their youngster's twenty hours.
Bikes were donated by friends in the area, and community members donated
their tools, equipment, and time to teach the sessions.
Where Were the "Earn-a-Bike" Sessions Held?
"Earn-a-Bike" sessions were usually held on Saturdays
at a local church or at a Burke
Centre community center.
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