What Is the Children's Clothing Closet?
It's a way for families which need children's clothing, to obtain
free clothing. The clothing is in all children's sizes, from
infants on up. The clothing is donated by friends in the area and is available
for families in the Burke Centre
and Burke areas.
When is the Children's Clothing Closet open and where?
The clothing closet is opened for business three or four times a
year, usually on Sundays, in one of Burke
Centre's community
centers. The openings are announced ahead of time, by flyer.
How Do I Learn More About the Children's Clothing Closet?
For more information, or to learn how to donate children's clothes,
please call Burke CARES at 703-425-0423, and we will put you in touch with
the Coordinator of the Children's Clothing Closet.